Elections, the proposals of the parties for sport

“Cultural revolution, regulations for stadiums, aid to clubs and associations”

of 1 “A real cultural revolution must be made. First sport in the Constitution. Then a Ministry of Sport with a portfolio”. 2 “I see it as an instrumental body of the State which, as such, can certainly integrate with a Ministry of Sport”. 3 “The issue of stadiums, although included in the general concept of plant engineering, absolutely needs ad hoc legislation”. 4 “Given that the Football Association is the only one in the world that enjoys public funding from the state, football needs an overall reform. Financing is not the main problem.” 5 “We believe that before building facilities on the rubble of our associations, which are suffering so much, it would have been necessary to raise the backbone of sport”. 6 “Our country is lagging behind with 480 hours a year of physical education in the various school grades. The interventions to be implemented are various. Surely to increase the funds for physical education. Promote, then, the teaching of motor disciplines since elementary school with attention to formative and educational aspects “.
