Elections in Galicia 2024 | Rueda is the candidate best known by Galicians and Pontón, the best valued

For the Galician electorate There are only three political leaders who deserve a “pass”. They are the three that head the parties that maintain representation in the Galician Parliament permanently: Alfonso Rueda for the PP, Ana Pontón for the Bloc and José Ramón Gómez Besteiro for the PSdeG-PSOE. All the others fail, although some of them, like Pachi Vázquez (Espazo Común Galeguista) or Marta Lois (Sumar) are also recognized by a broad sector of the population.

But between the three approved there are big differences. Alfonso Rueda, president of the Xunta and the PPdeG, is the most well-known political leader in the community. 88.3% of Galicians know him, but nevertheless she is the candidate of the BNGAna Pontón, the best rated, with a score of 5.7 pointsgiving rise to the surprising circumstance that even the PSOE voter has a higher regard for the nationalist leader, whom he values ​​with a 6.6 grade, than his own headliner, Gómez Besteiro, whom he gives a 6, 5.

Nine out of ten Galicians know the leader of the PP, but it turns out that those who remember him most are the Bloc voters. 95% of nationalists recognize his name, even more than the popular ones themselves, among whom Rueda’s notoriety index drops to 92.4%, according to the Gesop survey for this newspaper.

Tal como muestra el resultado de la encuesta, los lucenses son los más puestos en política de Galicia, pues son los que mayor grado de conocimiento tienen de los líderes de los partidos.
