Elections 23J | Sánchez dismantles the PSOE lists of Zaragoza and Teruel: incorporates Sumelzo for Congress and relegates Galeano to the Senate


06/10/2023 at 10:49 a.m.


The federal socialist commission strains relations with Javier Lambán even more | Óscar Galeano resigns from participating in the lists after being relegated to the Senate by Ferraz

The PSOE general secretary, Pedro Sánchez, has today given a new twist to the already tense relations with the Aragonese PSOE and has decided to dismantle the lists for Congress and the Senate that the party approved in Zaragoza. The federal commission of lists has agreed that, after the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegriawho heads the list, are Susana Sumelzo, close to Sánchez, and Víctor Ruíz from Bilbao, who until now was a senator.

Óscar Galeano, who until now was number two on the Zaragoza candidacy, becomes number three on the Senate list, with little chance of being elected. However, Galeano himself has refused to go on the lists due to the numerous changes imposed from Madrid. Ferraz has also made changes to Teruel’s socialist candidacy, but Huesca has gotten rid of Sánchez’s hand.

The earthquake of the Aragonese socialists has its epicenter in the Aragonese capital, since its general secretary has agitated the entire proposal made from Zaragoza. Only Pilar Alegría remains in her position, untouchable for Sánchez and an unaffordable change for Sánchez Quero. From there, everything was different: the number two proposed by Zaragoza was Óscar Galeano, who will not aspire to the Congress of Deputies but has been designated as socialist number three to the Upper House.

In Galeano’s place comes Susana Sumelzo, one of the deputies who has the best relationship with Pedro Sánchez. After her, Víctor Ruiz, who will come out in third position towards the Cortes Generales after snatching the position from the Zaragoza proposal, which was none other than Noemí Villagrasa. Ruiz began the day, under the proposal of the Zaragoza PSOE, as number three to the Senate.

Another revolution in Teruel

Lower Aragon has experienced a very similar revolution. Herminio Sancho was chosen by the PSOE of Teruel and Sánchez has allowed him to continue being the visible face of his party in the province. The same has not happened with numbers two and three: while Teruel proposed Silvia Palacio and Joaquín Noé, Ferraz has imposed Cuca Montull and Jorge Hernández.

In the Senate, in addition to those already mentioned, Florencio García Madrigal has left his first place to Miguel Dalmau, Manuela Berges second place to Ana Isabel Villar and Víctor Ruiz to Óscar Galeano the first position, although the latter has given up participating in the lists.

The reaction of the Aragonese PSOE

“The Regional Executive Commission of the PSOE Aragón expresses its deep disagreement with the decision of the Federal Commission of Lists in relation to the candidacies for Congress and the Senate of the provinces of Zaragoza and Teruel, whose composition has hardly anything to do with the proposals of the corresponding provincial committees”, begins the communiqué of the Aragonese socialists, clearly upset by the decisions taken from Madrid. The Aragonese PSOE itself certifies that these changes “are going to produce, with all certainty, a deep discouragement among the militants a few weeks before the elections.”

In addition, the statement attached the name of all the candidates who have resigned after these changes to go on the lists: “The members of the candidacies for Congress Noemí Villagrasa, José Antonio Remón, Ángeles Malo, Abraham Martínez, Ángeles Pérez, Manuel Morte, Virtudes Borque and Adrián Gimeno, and to the Senate Ana Isabel Villar, Oscar Galeano, Mar Bruna, María Pilar Capdevila, José Igancio Andrés, Eugenio Torrubia and Raquel Orange tree they renounce being part of the candidacies for not sharing the criteria”.

PSOE sources in Huesca expressed their discomfort because the members of this Federation that are part of the Regional Executive were not informed of the statement sent and in which reference is made to the entire regional executive.
