Elections 23 J | The Government approves this Tuesday a deduction of 15% of personal income tax for the purchase of electric vehicles

The Council of Ministers this Tuesday will come loaded with social measures. In most cases, an attempt will be made to extend the already existing ones, such as the reduction of VAT on basic foods and the payment in the public transport, They were due to expire at the end of the month. In others, the confirmation of announcements launched weeks ago by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, such as forgetfulness of cancer and the new line of the Official Credit Institute (ICO), endowed with 4,000 million euros, for housing development. But the meeting of the Executive, just nine days after the start of the campaign of the general elections on July 23, will also have news.

As Sánchez announced this Monday on Cadena Ser, tomorrow’s meeting will serve to approve a relief Personal Income Tax (IRPF) of 15% for the purchase of electric vehicles that “encourage the green transition & rdquor ;. The measure will be in force for the next two and a half years: until December 31, 2025.

“We are leading the economic growth, creating quality employment and redistributing that growth with social policies & rdquor ;, the leader and socialist candidate pointed out during the interview, in which he has also carried out a closed defense of his politics in Catalonia facing the territorial crisis. “The situation in Catalonia is on track. The majority of the population wants the reunion. The important thing is to continue consolidating that dialogue path political & rdquor ;, has pointed out Sánchez.

The “dark movie” of the PP and Vox

A good part of the intervention of the President of the Government has been destined to put the focus on the pacts sealed by the PP and Vox in numerous town halls and communities, that have caused leaders of the extreme right, with discourses contrary to science or to equality between men and women, occupy positions such as councils and presidencies of autonomous parliaments.

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“I wonder where do they get these people from? After having been an example of vaccination In the world can we have anti-vaccines declared at the head of institutions? Can deniers really be put in charge of institutions in a country that is an example of the fight against climate change and against gender violence? & rdquor ;, Sánchez asked himself. For him, the agreements between the parties of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Santiago Abascal They’re a “dark movie & rdquor; which has caused “in 20 days the public debate to have gone back 20 years& rdquor ;.

But the Prime Minister is convinced that something is changing as a result of these right-wing pacts with its most extreme version. “What we are seeing in these last few weeks is a reactivation of the progressive electorate& rdquor ;, has assured the general secretary of the PSOE. This alleged awakening, together with the unitary candidacy of the space to the left of the socialists they represent Yolanda Diaz and Sumar, make Sánchez optimistic, despite the fact that most polls place Feijóo in a clear advantage. “We have within reach to reissue the progressive coalition government and for the PSOE to win the elections,” the chief executive concluded.
