Election of President of the Republic: only 382 votes for Casellati

The president of the Senate collects far fewer preferences than the coalition that nominated her. And the sixth vote also goes towards the black smoke

The President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Casellati stops at 382 during the fifth ballot for the election of the Head of State. There were 406 abstentions. Sergio Mattarella obtained 46 votes, 38 went to Di Matteo, 8 to Berlusconi, 7 to Tajani and as many to Cartabia. Casini collects 6 votes while Draghi gets 3, Belloni 2. The blank ballots were 11, the null ballots 9.

Test failed

Therefore, the attempt by the center-right to count itself and lock up the coalition failed: out of the 453 votes that on paper should have been the prerogative of the center-right, the candidate Casellati obtained only 382 preferences.

Sixth vote

For the sixth vote, in progress, the center-right has decided to abstain and they should vote the white ballot Five Stars, Pd, Leu and Italia Viva. We are moving towards yet another black smoke.


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