Elderly woman drives through wall and risks driving license | 1Limburg

An elderly lady drove through a wall of a parking garage in Sittard on Friday. Surprisingly, the woman was fine after her accidental demolition work.

The accident took place on Friday afternoon in the ABC-Complex parking garage in Sittard. The Western Mining Area police unit describes on facebook that they found the driver on the first parking deck where she was surrounded by a number of concerned passers-by. The front of her car had driven through a section of wall. It then fell down. The woman also hit the guardrail, which was deformed as a result.

Driving skills
The lady who was behind the wheel was checked by the ambulance and was not injured. Miraculously, there were no injuries and it was only material damage, the police wrote.

However, the case is not over for the driver: “We will request the CBR to investigate the driver’s driving skills”, according to the police.
