Elderly woman (80) robbed and seriously injured

A police car during an emergency drive with flashing lights (symbolic photo)

A police car on an emergency trip with flashing lights Photo: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress

By Stephen Ferrari

How cowardly is that please? An elderly woman (80) was attacked, robbed and seriously injured in Lichtenberg on Wednesday night!

The woman was on her way home around 1 a.m. when she was approached by a man on Herbert-Tschäpe-Strasse and asked for directions.

“The senior refused information at such a late hour and continued on her way,” said the Berlin police.

But the man followed her and attacked the 80-year-old!

He brought the woman to the ground and stepped on her arm. Then the thief snatched her handbag and fled in the direction of Oderbruchstraße.

Particularly cowardly: A person is said to have stayed on the other side of the street, “who possibly secured the crime,” said a spokesman.

Despite her serious injuries, the elderly woman made it to her nearby home, and neighbors immediately called the police.

The woman was taken to the hospital with a broken arm and skin abrasions, where she was admitted to the hospital.


Berlin police robbery
