Elderly party pushes SP from throne in Heerlen | 1Limburg

The Elderly Party Heerlen has taken over from the SP as the largest party. The Socialists were the biggest in the city for years.

The turnout of the Elderly Party goes hand in hand with the Youth Party, which out of the blue gets more than 7 percent of the vote.

Watch the SP’s response here:

New on the right
Newcomers on the right are the PVV with more than 5 percent of the votes and Forum that scores more than 4 percent. Striking is the loss of opposition party Hart-Leers, which saw its share more than halved from 8 percent four years ago.

Jesus Lives did not make it to the city council in Heerlen.

At 42.2 percent, the turnout was even lower than four years ago, when the city had one of the lowest turnout in the Netherlands at 44.4 percent.

Also read: Newcomers in Heerlen: Forum, PVV, Youth Party and Jesus
