Elderly on a date with motor devils: “It was wonderful, I really cried”

The elderly of the De Oldeburgh care center in Oudorp had the time of their lives. The tough men of the 2 Wheels 4 Wings foundation took them on the back of the motorcycle for a ride through Alkmaar. And the old people really liked it: “It was delicious, it could have lasted all day for me,” said one of them.

NH/ Tom Jurriaans

Roaring motorbikes in front of the care center in Oudorp and sharp knurren who do want to take a ride. With some help from the volunteers, brave elderly people get on the back of the motorcycle. The engines take off with a lot of gas. The joy can be read on the faces. “It was wonderful,” one of the elderly tells NH Nieuws. “I really cried, if you have nothing this is wonderful.”

The foundation 2 Wheels 4 Wings organizes trips more often to give disabled children, the elderly and seriously ill people a nice day out. Volunteer Michael van Ruler likes to do it. “The elderly are isolated for a day out, they are really enjoying themselves. At the beginning they are still a bit scared, but then they stand in line to get on.”

NH Nieuws drove with the elderly and that resulted in beautiful images (Text continues below the video)

The elderly on a date with motor devils: “It was wonderful, I really cried” – NH Nieuws

After the motorcycle ride, the elderly get something to drink and some chips. The idea was that after the date with the motor devils, the elderly would also go on a date with future healthcare staff. Students were invited to talk to residents, colleagues and team leaders so that they can get an idea of ​​care for the elderly.

Paste bus

Unfortunately, only two students showed up. According to Mark Prinsen of the Alkcare foundation, that is very unfortunate. “You can tape a bus or place an advertisement, but we thought this was a nicer idea. We thought that some graduate students would come, but unfortunately. The residents certainly had a nice afternoon.”

According to Prinsen, it also says something about how difficult it is to find healthcare staff. “It has become more difficult, the problems from the Randstad have also come this way. We fish in the same pond and healthcare is under pressure. Fortunately, we are getting the rosters in place, but it is becoming more and more a challenge. Many people may have cold feet but it really is a wonderful profession. They are very welcome!”

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