Elderly couple from Bruges probably tried to end their life together in Spain

Elderly couple from Bruges probably tried to end their life together in Spain

The elderly couple has been living in Spain for several years. A woman who comes to care for the couple every day raised the alarm on Wednesday because she was standing in front of a closed door for the second day in a row. In the afternoon, the police decided to raid the apartment. There they found the couple in the seat: both unconscious.

According to the Spanish newspaper ‘La Verdad’ there was a large amount of medicines next to them. Police also found a bottle of whiskey. The 83-year-old woman died at the scene, her husband still had a heartbeat and was taken to the hospital in Murcia. To date, he is still in intensive care and is still in life-threatening condition.

The Spanish police are investigating the case, but everything points to a suicide attempt for the time being. ‘La Verdad’ spoke to the neighbors and wrote that the couple had been struggling with dark thoughts for some time. According to the neighbors, the woman would have serious mobility problems and hardly go outside, unless with a walker. The manager of the bar under the apartment said the woman’s health had been deteriorating for years. In combination with the loneliness, the suicide track therefore remains the most plausible.
