Elastinen reveals what is most rewarding in family life

Elastinen tells Iltalehte a little about his family life and the changes it has brought to his life.

Rap artist Elastic42, never thought he would return The Voice of Finland program. The man didn’t even believe that he would even be asked to be a star coach after his little break.

– When I was asked, I got so excited that I noticed a physical reaction in myself. I thought, “I’m kidding, could I do this again and experience the same things,” the rapper tells Iltalehte at the program’s press conference.

He returned to the program in 2022, and has continued as a star coach since then. Elastic, rightly so Kimmo Laiho, has been in the program for a total of five production seasons, so there have been enough singers to train. He says that he is still in touch with some of the singers he coached.

– Yes, there are many of them, but I can’t say how many. Yes, all those finalists have remained in my life on some level.


Elastinen usually talks about his work rather than his family. Elastinen and his wife’s firstborn son was born in February 2017, a daughter in February 2019 and a baby bump in January 2022.

Henri Kärkkäinen

The father of three children assures that there is currently nothing to complain about in their family life.

– It’s going well, there are no problems on that side. Except for gig trips, it’s a normal family routine.

Elastinen reveals that he has noticed a big change in his life with parenthood.

– Yes, the children have taught routine and time management in a completely different way than life before that. It has certainly been the biggest change personally.

The father of three has also had rewarding moments in parenting.

– Yes, there will certainly be some for all parents: for example, riding a bike, learning to speak and other micro goals that are associated with upbringing, the rapper reflects.

– Yes, it just feels wonderful to watch others grow. That’s the best thing about it, and it’s rewarding every day, he adds at the end.

According to Elastinen’s own words, “apart from gig trips, it’s a normal family life”. Henri Kärkkäinen
