El Mago Pop receives the Català de l’Any award valuing “the affection of the people”

Catalonia has an important tradition in the world of illusionism that dates back to the 19th century with Fructuoso Canonge, nicknamed ‘the Spanish Merlin’, but Until now, a conjurer had never received the Català de l’Any prize. This Monday, El PERIÓDICO distinguished Antonio Díaz, better known as Mago Pop, at a gala held at the Auditorium of the Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB) in recognition of his impressive career. The event was attended by more than 300 people, including representatives of the political, economic, cultural and social spheres who celebrated his impressive career: from Badia del Vallès to Broadway, passing through the Paral·lel.

Mayor Jaume Collboni, the first personality to speak, recalled the first Català de l’Any that was awarded 23 years ago to Ernest Lluch posthumously, a mention that sparked applause from the public. “He would be proud of the reunion, of the harmony and dialogue between Catalans and Catalans and Catalans and Spaniards that we are betting on,” he stated. And after highlighting the merits of Antonio Díaz, he thanked him “for everything you have done for Barcelona, for betting on Paral·lel”.

For Aitor Moll, CEO of Prensa Ibérica, that the Magician Pop has been chosen as Català de l’Any is a nod to the purest thing about childhood, believing in magic. Something that we should not forget when we become adults because “Believing in magic awakens curiosity, ignites the imagination and stimulates creativity. Nothing rejuvenates the human being as much as preserve the ability to be surprised,” defended Moll, which highlighted the humble origins of a magician, “the best in the world”, who has conquered his dreams through work, enthusiasm and total dedication to a personal dream. “He is loved and respected in Catalonia… and he is loved and respected outside of here.”

And for the CEO of Prensa Ibérica, the fact that millions of people around the world follow an illusionist from Badia del Vallès has something of heroic feat, almost a sporting event. That feeling of shared pride is, in reality, very similar to what happens when a Catalan from Sant Boi like Pau Gasol becomes an NBA star. “Or when a Catalan woman from Sant Pere de Ribes like Aitana Bonmatí or another from Mollet like Alexia Putellas they get a Ballon d’Or,” confessed Moll, “We feel that their triumphs, in part, are also ours.” “We heard something similar this summer when we learned that our Pop Wizard was conquering New York,” in reference to the premiere of ‘Nothing is Impossible’ at the Ethel Barrymore Theater on Broadway, a success with audiences and critics to which even the prestigious magazine ‘Forbes’ surrendered. “El Mago Pop exudes art, charisma and sense of humor in his acts,” Moll summarized.

For Albert Saezdirector of EL PERIÓDICO, magic and journalism have a lot in common even though it may not seem like it. “One moves in the realm of the impossible and the other in the possible, the real. But when the impossible is possible, the news breaks. Whether for better or worse. Possibly, if someone told us that a construction worker of the Camp Nou slept on the street in front of the stadium so as not to be late for work and for fear of being fired, we would have said that it was ‘impossible’, until this morning we opened the EL PERIODICO website on our mobile and we saw it in the paper version,” he recalled.

It seemed just as impossible a short time ago that an entire country attended a women’s soccer World Cup en masse (it happened this summer) or that a Barça player ended up in preventive detention accused of sexual assault. Not to mention the possibility that Parents agreed to prevent their teenage children from using their cell phones at school. Or an amnesty law, something that a little over a month ago no one dared to imagine. Sáez recalled the 45 impossible covers with which the newspaper has celebrated its 45 years, projecting itself into the future with news that we would like to publish as real equality and the adoption of measures that stop the destruction of the planet.

A very special day”

Antonio Díaz was visibly excited and did not hide it. On the contrary. Surrounded by his loved ones, he confessed that he was living a “very special” day. “I did not expect the award because as a lover of statistics, the chances of winning were one in eight million. I am very grateful because it is a sign of people’s affection.“, he said in a pleasant conversation he had with Sergi Mas. Among the audience were 25 people from his family and team, including the Mag Lari, one of its references. Díaz confessed that he always has a plan B when he acts and that the birth of a number comes from free time, “from hours of playing a ping-pong of ideas with the team, or from the movies.”

Díaz received the award from Javier Moll, president of Prensa Ibérica and Minister Joan Ignasi Elena, Minister of the Interior, which highlighted his “ability to be an exceptional artist and an entrepreneur.”

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Also exceptional was the inspired performance of Laura Andrés, pianist and composer who is about to release her third album, ‘Venus’. Sitting barefoot in front of a piano, Andrés played ‘Star dust’, a dreamy first piece with which she discovered her magic, which went even further with ‘Danse petite danse’, one of the hits from her acclaimed first album, ‘Blanc’ which He closed the event with another example of Catalan talent.

Before Díaz, women such as Neus Catalaanti-fascist activist survivor of the Ravensbruck extermination camp, athletes such as Pau Gasol, singers like Joan Manuel Serratcooks like Ferran Adria and politicians like Pasqual Maragall. A year ago the award went to John Hoffman, CEO of the company that organizes the Mobile World Congress. But never had a conjurer received such an honor.
