“El Chorro also grows”: the failed Gildo Insfrán cartel

The government of Gildo Insfran installed a propaganda billboard on the outskirts of the town of the streama small town in Formosa, but he did not realize how its message could be interpreted, since next to his smiling image it read “Formosa grows, El Chorro also grows.” In seconds, the campaign advertising went viral, since on social networks they began to ironize that Insfrán was, supposedly, the thief who also grew up with the province.

“Congratulations to “el chorro” for continuing to grow,” ironized a tweeter. And after him came a wave of mentions in the same tone. Such was the clearly unwanted repercussion that, after a few hours, the poster was removed and, surely, due to the history of authoritarian dispositions that the province showed during the pandemic, the ideologue and those responsible for it have been fired.

The general secretary of the Provincial Commission of the UCR, Charles Leeassured to Mainland Radio that although the anecdote was received with great grace, in that poster they also found “the reality that we have been denouncing and in some way the embezzlement that officials have been doing in public coffers.” And he also denounced that in the complex situation of the province: “Formosa is decreasing abruptly every day. Production does not exist directly. After having land with 120 thousand hectares of cotton, today we do not even have 4 thousand. We had 40 thousand hectares of bananas, today we do not have two thousand ”, he lamented.

At the beginning of November, another unusual situation occurred in El Chorro: the lieutenant governor of Formosa, Eber Wilson Solishe was invited to a barbecue to celebrate the sale of cattle, but before the food was ready someone stole everything that was on the grill.

The name of the town, “El Chorro”, is due to an expedition of soldiers in the year 1900, who, upon arriving at the site, discovered a stream of fresh water in a spring that is still there today. Then the name was changed to General Mosconiuntil in 2016 its original name was restored.

by RN

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