Eintracht Frankfurt: Criticism of Philipp Max – Missing from the Conference League squad

Quote from Tomsen1907

Oh, I feel sorry for Philipp Max. He was always a top player at FCA and then wanted to leave, but he didn’t go on strike and performed well for another year. Things like that don’t happen that often these days…
Nobody at FCA has ever hit crosses like that again…
But well, I haven’t followed him that much since he left Augsburg. Maybe he’s downsized at PSV.

I think that’s exactly what they were hoping for here, I can still remember his brutal standards from the Augsburg days, they were really a weapon back then, but unfortunately there’s none of that left today.

Max started off strong in the first few games, but also slowed down a lot. The negative highlight was probably the last two games, which were a complete disaster, including the dropout against Cologne that resulted in the penalty.

We also have Knauff, Smolcic and some B solutions for the left. But Max will also be a tactical victim apart from his performance, since he can only show this LV position, the ECL will probably rely more on polyvalent players who can master several positions.

But in general, Max has to improve SIGNIFICANTLY again after this start to the season, otherwise it will be really difficult after his last performances and at the latest in the winter break you would have to think about it.
