Eintracht board expects 70,000 Scots in Seville

Frankfurt / Main (dpa) – Eintracht Frankfurt’s board spokesman Axel Hellmann expects a huge meeting of the two fan groups at the Europa League final in Seville.

“There will be an onslaught that this city has never experienced before. It will probably be the first time that we have fewer fans away from home than our opponents,” said Hellmann at a media day in Frankfurt about Glasgow Rangers, opponents in the final.

The official expects around 70,000 Scots in the metropolis in Andalusia, which is still “a conservative estimate”. 40,000 to 50,000 fans are expected in Spain from the Hessen side. “It’s going to be huge,” announced Hellmann.

The Frankfurt board of directors continued: “We are full of anticipation, because for this competition it is a unique meeting of the loudest and most vocal fans in Europe. It will be an almost unique and very, very big atmospheric finale.” Both clubs received 10,000 tickets for the final in Seville on May 18 (9 p.m.) – but could have distributed more than 100,000 in their own ranks. Hellmann added that more than 100,000 tickets were sold for the public viewing in their own World Cup stadium.

Hellmann also announced that a celebration at the Römer in Frankfurt on May 19 would only take place in the event of a win against the Rangers. “At the Römer you celebrate when you get promoted or when you have a title in your hands. You don’t celebrate with a second place. We did that in 2017 and that was the wrong decision,” said Hellmann. At that time, the Hessians had lost the cup final against Borussia Dortmund.
