Eino Grön, 84, canceled his gig at the last minute – Now tells about his health

Iskelmätaivaa superstar Eino Grön received a strict order from the doctor.

Iskelmä star Eino Grönin84, was supposed to perform on Saturday in Kauhajoki, but the gig was canceled at the last minute due to an illness.

Eino Grön canceled his Kauhajoki gig. Pete Anikari

The concert venue Aronkeidas announced the matter on its Facebook page and said that Grön is banned from singing on doctor’s orders. Grön’s appearance would have taken place in the Aronkeita spinner, Group “Joker” to Elevaara at the 80th anniversary party.

Grön tells Iltalehti that his voice suffered when he spent 20 hours on a plane and caught a cold – and laryngitis.

– The gig was postponed to the near future. I feel well and I have good medication, says Grön.

Grön’s spring has included and will continue to include, among other things, ship gigs. In the fall, he goes on tour with Pirkko Mannola, 84. The legends of Viihdetaivaa are celebrating their upcoming 85th birthdays with the Edellee estradilla tour.

Grön is a well-known tango interpreter and iskelmä singer. His career started in 1958, and very soon Grön sang himself into the hearts of Finns.

In addition to tango, Grön, who performs percussion and spiritual songs, lives part of the year in Florida, USA.

Eino Grön goes on a comprehensive tour with Pirkko Mannola in the fall. Inka Soveri

He was the first to tell about the cancellation of the gig Smile.
