Eindhoven Airport: 32 Czechs will help with baggage handling

32 Czechs are going to help with baggage handling at Eindhoven Airport. They started their training on Monday. It is a test to see whether the staff shortage at the airport can be tackled in this way.

The Czechs will live in a hotel at Eindhoven Airport for the coming months. At Summa College they learn how to work safely around the aircraft. “There are strict rules to do this as carefully as possible,” says Johan Ribberink of Summa & Bedrijfs. “We train these Czech employees in this.”

Viggo is the company that handles luggage at the airport. Due to the chronic shortage of baggage personnel, Viggo has flown in 32 employees from Eastern Europe.

Because there is such a shortage, the Summa & Company training is helping to get the Czechs up and running as quickly as possible. The temporary employees will be working at the airport for three months this summer.
