In her biography, Eila Roine recalls many of the roles she played.
Emil Bobyrev
Eino Salmelainen in the 1960s directed a Swiss in Tampere’s Työväe theatre Max Frisch’s of the Republic of Andorra.
– Vili (Auvinen) was in the main role and I was his lover. The people of Tampere had probably already had time to envy Heikki and Kaija at that point, and that play was something completely different. A tragic story right at the end, Eila Roine recalls in her recent biography.
There was a scene in the play where Veikko Sinisalon Andri, played by Eila, had to be raped by the cruel soldier played by Eila.
– It wasn’t really created by Veiko, it wasn’t intended to become anything at all. In Salmelainen’s opinion, he was not cruel enough.
Salmelainen, who desperately directed the scene to his liking, wasted his time in the audience until he started to jump onto the stage.
– I was startled, but I thought anyway that it certainly won’t show up now. It did do it sometimes, but I was sure that it wouldn’t do it in a rape scene. But it came and kissed me like a beast. Kissed and shouted to Veiko that look, this is how a rapist behaves! Salmelainen certainly had no more experience with rape than Sinisalo, but the message got through.
– Then I had to say to Veiko between the two of us that now it’s time to let the pig go. I was afraid that Salmelainen would repeat his trick. It didn’t come, luckily. Veikko was shocked and so was I. But I later thought that Salmelainen must not have kissed many women, Eila recalls in her biography.
Antti Heikkinen: Eila Roine (Otava) was published on May 10.