Eijsden-Margraten has draft administrative agreement on | 1Limburg

The three coalition parties of Eijsden-Margraten have completed the draft coalition agreement. There is also clarity about the intended aldermen.

The coalition consists of CDA, VVD and Eijsden Margraten Lokaal (EML).

Board agreement
In recent weeks, the parties have drawn up the draft administrative agreement under the leadership of former member of the Provincial Executive Carla Brugman. According to the coalition, the other parties and ‘civil society’ are also involved in the agreement.

The parties write in a press release that the agreement focuses on five themes. It concerns housing and living environment, lifestyle, services, nature and landscape and sustainability and climate change.

Final agreement
The final agreement is expected to be presented in June. The councilors are also appointed. The intended aldermen are Jan Weling (VVD), Chris Piatek and Mark Gerritsen (EML) and Jos Custers and Gerry Jacobs (CDA).

Also read: Left block failed in Eijsden-Margraten
