Eighth time, lucky time? Core cabinet meets again about pension reform | Inland

The core cabinet has been trying for weeks to agree on a pension reform. Four measures are on the table: the reintroduction of a pension bonus, the part-time pension, a reinforcement of pension rights for women and access to the minimum pension, which Vivaldi parties previously raised to 1,500 euros.

The views on the latter issue in particular still differed widely. According to sources who spoke to press agency Belga, the PS of Pensions Minister Karine Lalieux was almost completely isolated in the file on Tuesday evening. At the request of a number of parties around the table, access to early retirement after 42 years of career and the early retirement age of military personnel and SNCB mobile personnel is also discussed.

The agreement that could be concluded today would be an agreement in principle. According to De Bleeker, this will then be calculated by the Federal Planning Bureau. “Then we will see what the budgetary effect is and we will adjust where necessary,” the State Secretary told VTM NIEUWS.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) previously put forward the date of July 21 as the deadline, Lalieux kept it on Thursday evening in the Chamber on “a quick but balanced agreement”. At least she didn’t seem rushed at the time: “If my name becomes ‘madame non’ because I defend the rights of workers and workers, I will wear that title with pride,” she said.
