Eighth graders still show musicals in Caprera after corona: “Fun for children and parents”

It will be a farewell you will never forget. For the eighth graders of the Aerdenhoutse Vondelschool, the Sint Theresiaschool in Bloemendaal and the Brederode Daltonschool in Santpoort-Zuid. They will hold their musical performances in the Caprera open air theater in the coming days. Thanks to the corona virus.

“It’s great fun, there is a very good atmosphere there. The children are also looking forward to it,” says Natascha Beets of De Vondelschool in Aerdenhout. She is a management assistant within the school. “We are now doing the musical for the third year at Caprera.”

‘Through corona the musical from the inside out’

During corona, more primary schools in the Caprera area were given the opportunity to perform their musicals there. A lot safer, this way in the open air. The Vondelschool liked it so much that they wanted to continue it. “Normally we keep the musicals in theater De Luifel in Heemstede. I don’t want to say that we will never go there again, but as long as it remains possible in Caprera, we will of course opt for that”, says Beets. Of course, the schools have to pay some rent.

The eighth grade students have been to Caprera once recently to ‘feel’ what it’s like to be on stage. Tomorrow night they really have to work. For their families, who can sit comfortably on the large grandstand. “They have now done the dress rehearsal a few times for the other classes. They have also rehearsed the songs once more for the kindergarten classes. They are all looking forward to it and have also made the decors and props themselves.”

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Caprera during corona: keep your distance in the stands – Layla Wijsmuller

On Thursday it will be the turn of the Volendam band the 3JS in Caprera. But after that more musicals are performed. Such as that of the Brederode Dalton School from Santpoort-Zuid.

They have also moved to the theater in Bloemendaal since corona. “Our space within the school was much too small at the time. We had to perform the performance twice, which was difficult for the children. Then we could go to Caprera and we did that,” says director Danielle Rodenhuis. “It’s a very nice and special place,” she says. “But we will soon have a whole new school building with a nice big stage. So then we will go back,” she emphasizes.

The children from Santpoort-Zuid have also been allowed to ‘smell’ the stage in Bloemendaal once. They can go for it for real next Tuesday. “They have to be careful not to talk too quickly because of their enthusiasm,” Rodenhuis laughs. The parents contributed to the rental of the stage.

Also for the parents

“And I can stand on the podium of Caprera for the third time,” Rodenhuis continues. “I don’t have a role, but I do the welcome speech and say goodbye to the parents who are really going to experience a musical at school for the last time.”

Natascha Beets of the Vondelschool adds that it will also be a great evening for the parents. “Afterwards they can have a drink together. It is of course also a kind of farewell for them.”
