Eight parliamentary groups file a complaint against Baudet for not giving up ancillary positions | NOW

Eight parliamentary groups have filed a complaint against group chairman Thierry Baudet of Forum for Democracy (FVD), because he refuses to declare additional positions and income from them to the House of Representatives. That is what the political groups, which have a large majority in the House of Representatives, have to say RTL News let them know.

If the complaint is accepted, the Forum leader can be suspended for at least one month. He may be in the House and vote, but not speak.

Coalition parties VVD, D66, CDA, ChristenUnie and opposition parties GroenLinks, PvdA, Party for the Animals and Volt submit the complaint to a special committee that deals with the integrity of the House of Representatives. The Integrity Investigation Board has already reprimanded Baudet in mid-March and issued an instruction because he refuses to report additional positions, gifts and additional income in a public register. This is mandatory for MPs.

Despite that measure, Baudet still refuses to do this. That is the reason for the eight groups to submit a complaint.

In addition to being a member of the House of Representatives, Baudet is also a board member of Forum for Democracy BV and director of THPB Media BV. The Forum leader writes books and gives lectures, whether or not for a fee. He would have earned 85,000 euros last year, NU.nl reported. That amount was not contradicted to the ANP, but a spokesperson for FVD said that Baudet simply pays tax on his income.
