Eight in ten Dutch people want to admit fewer asylum seekers | Politics

The vast majority of voters want the Netherlands to admit fewer asylum seekers. These are mainly right-wing voters, but large groups of voters from left-wing and center parties also want this, according to research by One today.

Half of voters call migration one of the most important issues that a new cabinet must address. This concerns both asylum seekers and labor migrants. No fewer than eight in ten voters believe that too many asylum seekers are now coming to our country. These are mainly voters on the right, such as those of the VVD, PVV, FVD and JA21. But voters from middle parties such as BBB (98 percent), NSC (95 percent) and the CDA (90 percent) do not think very differently. For D66 it is 48 percent.

Many voters from left-wing parties also want the asylum rules to become stricter. Among SP voters it is 85 percent and among the Party for the Animals it is 52 percent. A majority of the Christian Union supporters also think so: 58 percent. Striking, because last summer that party refused to agree to stricter rules for family reunification of asylum seekers, after which the cabinet fell. Among GroenLinks-PvdA voters, support for stricter rules is the lowest of all parties: 36 percent.


According to researcher Jeroen Kester from One today his left-wing voters ‘have not suddenly lost their compassion for asylum seekers’. “They are still concerned about their fate, but they are also concerned about the limits of our system. Their parties sometimes act too quickly in a reflex of denying the limits that the Netherlands faces as a small country, they believe. Those voters say: if we have enough space, houses and facilities anyone can come. But we don’t have that.”

According to the research, Ukrainian refugees are the most welcome of all migrants. Labor migrants from outside the European Union the least. Even among GroenLinks-PvdA voters, there is no majority in favor of their arrival to solve staff shortages here.

In EenVandaag, the police and the Public Prosecution Service of the Northern Netherlands express their concerns about the deployment of vigilantes in Ter Apel after violent incidents:

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