Eight-hour news shows Jesse Klaver with an obituary

A painful technical error in last night’s Achuurjournaal: a photo of Jesse Klaver was shown with the obituary of the famous photographer Erwin Olaf. “Apologies.”


Famous photographer Erwin Olaf has died at the age of 64, a few weeks after undergoing a lung transplant. “He was recovering, but suddenly became unwell and resuscitation was of no avail,” reads the statement on behalf of the family. The royal family has expressed condolences to his relatives.

Embarrassing blunder

Annechien Steenhuizen delivered the obituary last night in the opening of the Eight o’clock news. “And further in the news today: photographer Erwin Olaf has passed away.”

Then a huge one appears still by Jesse Klaver on screen, much to the shock of the news reader. “Of course this is not Erwin Olaf, but you understand that.”

After her announcement, Annechien noted: “And apologies, things just went wrong. Good evening.”

Colorful figure

The death of Erwin Olaf was mentioned in all current programs. “We all knew he was ill, but this was completely unexpected for all of us,” said Tooske Ragas at the desk of Show news.

Private boss Evert Santegoeds: “What a colorful figure. He turned 64, but he had been ill since he was 36, so he had a very long suffering, which he coped with as best he could. He had COPD and that is a disease that puts a heavy burden on your lungs.”


Few people knew that Erwin Olaf was recovering. “What few people knew is that he had lung surgery three weeks ago and was still in hospital, but he was actually on the mend.”

“It seemed to have been successful, until he became unwell this morning and resuscitation was no longer possible.”


Erwin was, among other things, the house photographer of the Oranjes:
