Eid al-Adha message from TBF President Hidayet Türkoğlu! – Breaking Basketball news

Turkish Basketball Federation (TBF) President Hidayet Türkoğlu celebrated Eid al-Adha with the message he published.

Türkoğlu gave the following statements in his message published in TBF:

Happy Eid-al-Adha to all our people. After the earthquake disasters that hit our country, this year we welcome a holiday where we need social assistance and the spirit of solidarity more than ever. For this reason, the Eid al-Adha, where our unity and solidarity is strengthened and our nation helps each other more than ever, has a greater meaning for all of us. We will heal all the wounds together, and we will be with those in need this year as well. I wish our nation and the whole Islamic world a happy holiday full of health and peace.
