Egyptian Ahmed meets son for the first time during emotional reunion: ‘Oh boy, I am your father’ | Show

All You Need Is LoveHe is there every year: the not-so-average reunion in the Christmas special of All you need is love. There is a good chance that half of the Netherlands shed a tear tonight when the Egyptian Ahmed Elfeky was able to hold his three-month-old son in his arms for the first time. “Oh boy, I’m your father.”

He had to wait the longest: Ahmed (31) was the very last one left in Robert ten Brink’s bus, after a day full of emotional reunions of other participants. It is immediately clear that Ahmed has been preparing for his arrival in the Netherlands for years when he says ‘Thank you for everything’ in clear Dutch to Ten Brink when he comes to sit with the Egyptian on the bus.

It’s already the middle of the night Dr. Love rings the doorbell at a house in Tiel, where 25-year-old Dana lives with her son and parents. It was mother José who enlisted Ten Brink’s help so that Dana and Ahmed could celebrate Christmas together this year. There is something special going on: Dana gave birth to son Ryan three months ago and in all that time Ahmed has not yet seen his own child. “It is not easy to bring someone to the Netherlands,” she explains. “We have been arranging a visa for more than two to three years, but we are always sent from pillar to post.” Even an integration course and all other necessary requirements for immigration were to no avail.

Ahmed at the airport with Robert ten Brink. © RTL


Dana had therefore already resigned herself to the fact that she will celebrate Christmas without her loved one and the father of her child. Yet Ten Brink soon comes with good news. “We managed to arrange a visa. That means we were able to take him with us on our Christmas bus,” he says, while Dana and mother José can no longer find the right words to respond to what Ten Brink says. Fortunately, words are not necessary, because when Ahmed walks into the house, the two immediately see how much they have missed each other.

,,I can not believe it. I’ve missed you so much. So, so bad, really,” Ahmed just manages to get out as he hugs Dana. His happiness cannot be believed until he can finally hold his son in his arms. When he introduces himself to the baby with a broad smile, it becomes clear again that this is a moment that the Egyptian could only enjoy until now. “Ah kid, I’m your daddy.”

Dana and Ahmed's first hug.
Dana and Ahmed’s first hug. © RTL

More couples

In addition to Dana and Achmed, more people were brought back together on Christmas Eve. For example, Thai Anda and son Daniel were reunited after months with partner and father Arnoud, who had to return to the Netherlands because he could not earn enough money in Thailand. The Mexican Adriana was also finally able to embrace her Dutch boyfriend Max again.

Ten Brink lifted the Dutch Gijs and Maria from their beds in the middle of the night to put them on a plane to Swedish Lapland, to be surprised by their foreign lovers. Gijs reunited with the Bolivian Michelle after months and Maria was finally able to see her Australian partner Dylan again after a long wait. And all this under the watchful eye of Robert ten Brink, who once again managed to make a lot of people very happy this year.

Dylan and Maria.
Dylan and Maria. © RTL

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