Egypt summit ends without agreement to demand ceasefire in Gaza

The differences that maintain the Arabian countries and its western partners about responsibility for what is happening in Middle East have been clearly revealed at the summit held this Saturday in Egypt to demand a Stop the fire in Loop and the reopening of a political horizon to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. The meeting, which was attended representatives of 34 countries and multilateral institutionshe has finished without an official statementnot even to demand a humanitarian temporary cessation of hostilities. The expectations that his message would be heard were in any case minimal, given that Israel was not invited and USA opted for a low profile representation. What did come out of the appointment was the arab rejection to any Israeli temptation to expel the Palestinians from Gaza.

The summit began shortly after the first 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered the Strip, an insignificant amount given the pressing needs of its constantly bombarded population. According to Arab diplomats cited by France Presse, the European delegates demanded in the final communiqué “a clear condemnation that would put the responsibility for escalation in Hamas”, a perception rejected by its Arab allies, who finally made a joint statement accusing world leaders of “wanting to manage the conflict rather than end it permanently.”

The frustration over the silence of some capitals regarding the torment in Gaza was clearly expressed by the Jordanian monarch. “The loud and clear message heard in the Arab world is that Palestinian lives are considered less important than Israeli lives and that the human rights “They have limitations that depend on different borders, circumstances and religions,” he said. Abdullah II. The majority of Arab leaders condemned murder of civilians in Israelbut they dedicated a good part of their parliaments to denouncing the “incessant” and “brutal” bombing on Gaza, as well as the “collective punishment” and the “total encirclement” on the Strip, which they described as war crimes.

The illusion of the status quo

They also insisted on demanding a political horizon based on the two States to address the roots of the problem. “Hasn’t the time come to put an end to the political illusion that the status quo “Can it be maintained?” said the Egyptian president and organizer of the summit, Abdel Fatah Al Sisi. Among the guests was also the great missing of this crisis, the president of the Palestinian Authority (PNA), Mahmoud Abbas, who rules in West Bank. Taking up the warnings of Al Sisi and the chancellor of Saudi Arabia about Israel’s possible intentions to forcibly transfer the population of Gaza to the Egyptian SinaiAbbas was firm. “We will not leave and we will stay in our Arab land,” said the octogenarian Palestinian leader.

From European countries, Spain and Italy They were one of the few to send their highest representatives. Pedro Sánchez demanded a ceasefire, the release of the rehenes held by Hamas and the humanitarian aid access. “This summit must serve as a first step to restore peace in the region and break this terrible cycle of violence,” said the Spanish president. “If the international community does not act, the situation could worsen dramatically.” Not only because of the disaster caused in Gaza by Israel, but because of the risks of a regional expansion of the war.

Legitimate defense of Israel

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Faced with the balance of many for not ignoring any of the parties, others such as the British chancellor or the president of the European Council They emphasized the Israel’s right to defend itselfalthough emphasizing that it must remain within the limits of the International human right, that dictates the laws of war, so ignored in this conflict. “Must make sure Hamas doesn’t win “so that peaceful coexistence can triumph,” said the British James Cleverly, overlooking the fact that this coexistence does not exist and not only because of Hamas. “We cannot ignore the broader context of these tragic events: the long-standing conflict and the 56 years of occupation with no end in sight”, said the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, before calling for an immediate ceasefire.

That ceasefire, however, is not there nor is it expected. The US has already blocked two resolutions in the UN Security Council to give time to israelwhich prepares its troops to soon enter Gaza, one of those adventures that you know how it begins but never how it ends.
