Egbert Lachaert: “Reduced VAT rate on gas and electricity will be extended until after next winter” | VTM News

The reduction in VAT on gas and electricity from 21 percent to 6 percent is currently in effect until September 30. The government will evaluate this measure in the summer, but Open Vld chairman Egbert Lachaert has no doubts that there will be an extension. “The price of gas and electricity is so high, it will not be any better in the autumn.” The European sanctions against Russia in particular will ensure that gas prices will remain high, thinks Lachaert. “The bills will not have fallen, and you cannot influence the fundamental prices. The government will therefore have no choice but to extend that 6 percent.”

Making that reduced VAT rate final, as proposed by Vooruit chairman Conner Rousseau last week, is also negotiable, according to Lachaert, although he immediately attaches a few conditions to it. “At the end of the ride, someone has to pay the tournée générales that are distributed at the counter.” The Open Vld chairman therefore expects that the promised reforms to activate people will first be implemented. “Only then can we discuss giving people gifts.”

Watch the full studio conversation with Open Vld chairman Egbert Lachaert here:
