“Efter nio has an unnecessary amount of Finnish”

The number of guests is also incorrect in many people’s opinion.

Janne Grönroos and Eva Kela deliver Efter nio in a familiar program spot on Monday evenings. Marica Rosengard, General

Eva Kelan and Janne Grönroos are arriving today as guests Efter nion Teddy Wahlroos, Maija Vilkkumaa, Severi Lajunen, Linda Larsen, Lottaliina Pokkinen and Jari Saario. Some of them are interviewed in Swedish and some in Finnish. It’s not to everyone’s liking.

Viewers have shared their views on the show’s public forums on Facebook pages during this fall. The comments written in Swedish have been freely translated into Finnish for this article.

– I want to see guests who speak Swedish. There are so many talk shows in Finnish that let this program be in Swedish, or something else Vivian appeals to.

Monica agrees with him.

– There are too many interviews in Finnish.

Maija Vilkkumaa, who has just celebrated her fiftieth birthday, is one of the evening’s guests. He is interviewed in Finnish. Henri Kärkkäinen

Also Susan and Catharina would like attention to be paid to the language skills of the interviewees.

– There are often many Finnish-speaking guests, even though the program is the only Swedish-language talk show, the latter is a pity.

– There is an unnecessary amount of Finnish in Efter nio, Dis too comment.

In addition to the language question, viewers pondered the number of guests on Facebook. Could there perhaps be fewer of them than there are now? They suggest it, among other things Christian and Finso that no one would have to be interrupted suddenly. Kaj also believes that less would be better not only in the number of interviewees but also in the number of sections. In his opinion, Efter nio would be even better, because of course the program is still good as it is now. Kaj just doesn’t like to be in a hurry and that you don’t always have time to delve into the subject areas properly.

Would Janne Grönroos and Eva Kela have more time for their guests if there were fewer of them than now? Over

Ann-Helen and Barbro have noticed the same.

– Guests are interesting, but sometimes there are too many of them and you can’t go deeper than the surface with them. Three guests is the maximum for me! Barbro has calculated.

Efter nio today at Teema & Femi at 21:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
