Efteling assumes honesty: 8 questions about wheelchair access abuse

Efteling assumes ‘the good of the guest’ when applying for the facility card for people with a disability. That is why there are no strict controls. The park responded extensively on Monday to the abuse of the pass. This weekend, visitor Sandra van Bijl told Omroep Brabant about amusement park guests who wrongly use the wheelchair entrance. Eight questions and answers.

What happened?
The discussion about the facilities card flared up on Saturday due to a story from Omroep Brabant. Sandra’s daughter, Kyara, has Down syndrome and therefore enters through the entrance for people with disabilities.

According to Sandra, it was so busy at that entrance on Friday that it was impossible for Kyara. Sandra’s own research subsequently showed that groups of young people were standing in line unjustly. A story that many people say they recognize, as evidenced by the many reactions that Omroep Brabant received and still receives.

How easy is it to get such a pass?
The pass can be downloaded within a minute. You fill in a form online with your name and date of birth. You can then immediately download the pass. You only check that you are telling the truth, but this is not subsequently checked.

You do not have to provide any documents or information. “We assume the good of people,” says spokesman Steven van Gils.

Isn’t that naive?
Until 2017 you had to provide a doctor’s statement, but that has been abolished. “We want to inconvenience guests with a disability as little as possible. We don’t want to confront them with their disability or a lot of administration,” says Van Gils. Privacy rules also make it complicated according to Efteling.

Are you faster with a pass?
“You do not get priority at all, you are only allowed through the special entrance. It is of no use at all. This is mainly because, for example, due to safety rules, fewer guests with a disability are allowed in one attraction at a time.”

What does Efteling do if the card is misused?
“We always have a good conversation first,” says the spokesperson. “It depends very much on the situation. We sometimes see that it happens with school trips. Then we talk to the school management. Tougher measures can follow in the event of excesses. You can then be expelled from the park.”

Who abuses it and how often?
It’s really about incidents, it certainly doesn’t happen often,” says Van Gils. “We think it’s often students, but we don’t have a picture of all situations.”

Readers of Omroep Brabant argue that abuse is often done. For example, says David Koolen, who cannot stand for long: “The queue for disabled people is getting longer and longer, sometimes even longer than the regular queue.”

What are the implications for Friday’s ringleaders?
Van Gils: “They are not in the picture.”

Will Efteling take measures after Friday?
“Not now because of this incident,” the spokesman said. “We are always looking at how we can improve the pass, but that is an ongoing process.”

READ ALSO: Kyara cannot enter Efteling attractions due to abuse of wheelchair entrance
