Effenberg scolding for BVB star

Once again BVB ruined a top game against FC Bayern. Dayot Upamecano took the lead for the record champions in just the fourth minute. For a strange scene in the run-up to the goal, national player Nico Schlotterbeck received a severe scolding from ex-professional Stefan Effenberg.

There was a strange scene in the early stages of FC Bayern’s 4-0 gala win against Borussia Dortmund. Before the corner for the early lead, there was a brief exchange of words between goal scorer Dayot Upamecano and BVB defender Nico Schlotterbeck, the TV pictures show both of them laughing.

“He spoke to me and asked, ‘Ca va?’ (in German: How are you?, editor’s note),” the French international revealed after the final whistle: “I said: ‘Ca va, et toi?’ (I’m fine and you?). And then I ran, and ran fast. I did everything I could to score that goal.”

BVB: Kohler and Effenberg criticize Schlotterbeck

Just a few moments after the short conversation, the DFB star lost sight of his opponent. The former Freiburg player had to watch inactively as Upamecano headed unchallenged into Dortmund’s net from just a few meters.

The insufficient defensive behavior of the 23-year-old, who moved from Breisgau to the Ruhr in 2022 for 20 million euros, was heavily criticized in the “Sport1 Doppelpass” on Sunday. “I have a problem with the fact that he is not 100 percent there was in advance before the corner came in,” clarified former national player Stefan Effenberg.

“He stops in a second. And that’s that moment that you miss. Upamecano really wanted to score that goal – and that’s the difference,” added the former Munich player. Former BVB defender Jürgen Kohler also took the same line.

“If you see that your opponent is smiling or making fun of you before a corner, then I think you’re lacking some focus. If you don’t have that, if you allow yourself to be distracted, then it’s more difficult for you to defend things like that.” said the 58-year-old.
