EEUWIGE TWIJFEL? Zijn vrouw was stuck in the hotel bathroom, maar Bernard Wesphael was unaniem vrijgesproken | Inland

“My wife can try out the water and take care of it. I picked up my hair and reanimated it. Can you call the hulp service bark?”, said politician Bernard Wesphael on a call from the Hotel Mondo in Ostend. Her wife Véronique was put in a bizarre position with the help of a picture of the hotel bathroom. Vandaag aflevering 6 van ‘Eeuwige Twijfel?’ over Ecolo-medeoprichter Bernard Wesphael: had his wife Véronique an episode of kwam hij weg met a koelbloedige moord?

Jose Maschelin

Latest update:
11-10-23, 5:59 p.m
