Eetu Selänte’s loved one visited the army – The photo also made Sirpa’s mother crazy

Eetu Selänteen’s Abbey fiance visited her loved one at the barracks.

Second-generation hockey player Eetu Selänne25, joined the military service in the Kainuu brigade in Kajaani on Monday of last week.

After about two weeks of service, engaged in Selänte Abbey Weaver visited his spouse in the barracks.

– Engaged, Weaver wrote with an emoji.

Mother too Shirpa Back admired his son, who appeared in the army holiday uniform in the comment field.

– The cutest! Sirpa commented in English.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

In addition to his military service, Selänne will play for Mest next season in Hoki in Kajaani.

– Originally, I was supposed to go to the int in Santahamina, but it would have been difficult to play there at the same time at full capacity, Selänne commented to Kainuu Sanoma in June.

Last season, Selänne played for Mest in Heinola’s Peliitai, which had to give up its place in the league due to bankruptcy. Before last season, Selänne had played his entire career in the United States.

Eetu Selänne is completing his military service in Kainuu. Jussi Eskola
