EenVandaag-face Tom van ‘t Einde turns out to be friends with thieves

EenVandaag face Tom van ‘t Einde announced last night in Renze Klamer’s talk show that he is friends with several shoplifters. “Am I really the only one?”


The Jumbo suffers a lot from shoplifting, it was announced yesterday. Last year, more than 100 million euros worth of items were stolen from the 725 branches, especially at the self-checkout. And that was discussed yesterday in Renze Klamer’s talk show, who understands it: “It is of course not good, but I understand that people try.”

Stealing things

Talk show guest Tom van ‘t Einde does not like being checked at the self-checkout. “I always feel very suspicious when that happens. Then I think: just make me another cashier and I’ll put it on the tape. At least then I won’t have that awkward moment.”

No one at the table steals at the self-checkout or knows anyone who does, except Tom. He turns out to be friends with a whole series of shoplifters. “Am I the only one who knows people who just steal things regularly? I really have several people in my group of friends who just use toothpaste…”

‘At EenVandaag?!’

Jan de Hoop is shocked by this outpouring. “What are you dealing with?”

Renze surprised: “At EenVandaag?!”

Tom then laughed: “No, not at EenVandaag! I won’t mention any names further. I’ve already gone way too far, I already regret it. But I know several people and they have a whole strategy.”


What kind of strategy do the thieves who are friends with Tom have? “They don’t pay for the more expensive products, they go very deep at the bottom of the bag and then they hope they never get caught. And they really do that regularly.”

That’s impossible?! “Yes, I think it’s scandalous. We have a lot of discussions about it. It’s the number one topic at birthday parties. I don’t think it’s possible.”
