Eekhoff not fully recovered from concussion and misses Dwars door Vlaanderen

Nils Eekhoff turned out not to be fit in time to start tomorrow in the Belgian cobblestone classic Dwars door Vlaanderen. However, the cyclist from Rijsenhout still suffers too much from a concussion that he sustained during Paris-Nice.

Eekhoff had been put on the starting list by his team Team DSM for the Flemish one-day race. In the end, the 24-year-old cyclist has not yet recovered sufficiently from his crash during the second stage of Paris-Nice, at the beginning of this month. Kevin Vermaerke has been called up for the Dwars door Vlaanderen as his replacement.

For the Tour of Flanders next Sunday, Eekhoff is still on the starting list for the time being. It is still unclear whether the North Hollander is fit enough for this prestigious competition.
