Educate for life | News

There is a phrase from Pythagoras that says “to educate is not to give a career to live, but to temper the soul for the difficulties of life”.

We can think of this phrase in reference to the formation and development that occurs in the human being.

For a long time, special emphasis was placed on the IQ, on achieving the adaptation of all children to the learning stipulated according to age range and grade/year. However, there is so much more to teach, guide, enable a child in full mental, social and emotional development.

The development of social skills, emotional education together with basic concepts of brain development, are in themselves tools of great value when it comes to facing the vicissitudes that we encounter every day.

How can we provide children, adolescents and adults with the tools to make decisions that are enriching and healthy for themselves?

There are concepts that are far from our radar, even as adults. One has to have the impetus to investigate, read and pursue the knowledge from which one wants to nurture. Search for reliable, impartial sources that allow learning about the subject without so many biases and/or opinions from which the concepts are presented.

Emotional education provides tools that precisely promote tempering the soul… and thus achieve emotional autonomy.

Know and identify those situations that generate stress, discomfort and how to regulate and manage one’s own emotions in order to achieve well-being for oneself and the environment.

How to face the new, how to face those situations that unconsciously transport you to some point in your personal history that generates discomfort and works like a trigger.

That is the objective of the space that I create both on Instagram and on my website.

Bring them tools, know what emotions are, what is stress, anxiety…

why it is so enriching to write and keep a therapeutic notebook as well as the importance of keeping the mind active through brain gym exercises.

Cell: 153348-9704

Instagram: lic_carolinakevorkian

Email: [email protected]



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