Educació develops the educational law to circumvent the 25% sentence and promote the use of Catalan

The ‘conseller’ of Education, Josep Gonzlez Cambray, communicated this Tuesday the opening of the period of prior consultation with citizens, and particularly with the educational community, of the decree that will allow the development of the second title of the Catalan education law and whose objective is promote the use of Catalan in the classrooms and provide greater legal certainty to the centers in the deployment of their linguistic projects. In other words, it will allow, according to its promoters, to avoid the ruling of the TSJC on the obligation to provide 25% of the subjects taught in Spanish.

Three days before the end of the term given by the TSJC for the Generalitat to accommodate its ruling on the obligation to provide 25% of teaching in Spanish, the answer that the Government will give, therefore, will be that it is working on a new regulatory framework, so it will not require that 25% be met. “Schools do not have to modify their educational projects,” asserted the ‘conseller’.

“With the decree will there be schools that give less than 25% in Spanish?”, the ‘minister’ was asked. “We value learning, not percentages,” he replied before sanctioning that the use of Catalan will increase thanks to this new regulation and the campaign to promote the language that the Government has started.

At a press conference after the Consell Executiu, González recalled that the survey made public on Monday by the Síndic de Greuges, and which placed the use of Catalonia’s own language 60% both in the fifth grade of primary, like in quarter of that (last year of compulsory education), when it comes to the vehicular language (according to the law), they reflect that “there is a problem and that it must be recognized in order to remedy it”.

Perhaps fleeing from the strong criticism received from educational unions regarding unilateral decision-making by the department, González has detailed that this “new regulatory framework will take into account the linguistic advisory council, the methodologies of classroom learning and sociolinguistic reality in each of the 5,300 educational centers“.

The ‘conseller’ explained that the Executiu will join the protest tomorrow convened by the education sector against “interference” by the judiciary in school matters. “Language learning depends on pedagogy, not on percentages,” she asserted before specifying that the cabinet of Pere Aragones will carry out an act in protest of the sentence before the doors of the Parlament, on Wednesday, on the occasion of the celebration of the plenary session of the Catalan Chamber.

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Gonzalez Cambray denied all “passivity” from his department as soon as the sentence was made public. He recalled that he went to the TSJC to state that to whom he should go it was to him, as ‘conseller’ of the branchand not the educational centers, precisely to protect the management teams of the schools.

Regarding the measure of bringing forward the start of the school year by a week, an essential point in the complaints and mobilizations of the teaching staff, the ‘minister’ pointed out that it is a measure in which everyone “agrees which is good for the students and we do not see No reason not to do it.”
