Edsilia Rombley is annoyed by the media: ‘They are talking after each other!’

Edsilia Rombley blames the media for such a big row over her Showcolade program, which critics say was extremely infantile. “The media made it bigger than it is!”

© Elvin Boer

NPO 1 was under fire at this time last year because all kinds of childish programs were suddenly programmed. One of those programs was Showcolade, in which celebrities had to guess which objects were made of chocolate and which were not. It scored terribly badly and critics like Antoinette Hertsenberg were furious.

Edsilia angry

It is one of the biggest misses in the history of Omroep MAX and broadcaster Jan Slagter was therefore forced to go deep through the dust. After all, it is an embarrassment that this kind of infantile television is made from taxpayers’ money. A year later, however, presenter Edsilia Rombley seems to think very differently.

Edsilia is now calling in the Beau Monde that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her chocolate program. No, it was the media! “Beforehand, the vibe was very positive. Lots of other TV shows joked about whether something was real or made from chocolate, and a lot of people said they were into it.”

chatting after each other

In fact, everyone just loved it, says Edsilia. “But only one journalist has to write an annoying piece and then everyone talks after each other. The media made it bigger than it is, because in my area I have heard zero negative reactions.”

So as far as Edsilia is concerned, it was not a failure. “Just like the Eurovision Song Contest, Showcolade was a new experience for me. I saw it as a super fun learning experience and I worked very well together.”


Edsilia caused a riot last month by going through fire in the talk show of Eva Jinek for her controversial friend Glennis Grace. Edsilia did not throw Glennis out of the Ladies of Soul after the Jumbo fight incident and many people blame her for that. “Whatever you say, it’s not right,” she moaned.

Columnist Jan Dijkgraaf is pretty done with Edsilia and her colleagues Berget Lewis and Candy Dulfer, who are keeping Glennis afloat. “Don’t call yourself Ladies, but Sloeries of Soul!”


An excerpt from Showcolade:
