Eddy Zoëy thinks Wilfred Genee is short-sighted: ‘Why not good?’

Eddy Zoëy thinks it’s shortsighted that Wilfred Genee has dismissed his music as ‘not good enough’. He’s been talking about that hefty insult to the Today Inside star for a long time.


Most people currently know Eddy Zoëy as a presenter of RTL Boulevard, but he also sees himself as a singer and artist. However, no one knows any of his songs. According to Wilfred Genee, it’s all mainly hobbyism and it’s really just not good enough.

Wilfred’s Sneer

And that doesn’t sit well with Eddy, he confesses in the Playboy† He realizes he’s not as popular as a Nick & Simon, for example, but: “That’s never been my goal anyway, and my heroes are kind of in a different corner.”

Dan: “Wilfred Genee once said to me on a podcast, ‘You didn’t succeed with music, so it probably isn’t good enough.’ It wasn’t until I got home that I realized: he watches it the way he watches sports. If you have ten athletes sprint 100 meters a few times, the one who crosses the finish line the most often is the best runner.”


However, Wilfred cannot apply that to the creative industry, Eddy believes. “In the music world, it’s a completely different story. A lot of people still think that the songs in the Top 40 are the best songs, but those are the best selling songs.”

He continues: “The Billboard Hot 100 has figured out that the sales of a song are directly proportional to the attention that same song gets. If a song gets a lot of airplay and is in large popular Spotify lists, there is a good chance that it will come to life with people. If that doesn’t happen, it will be difficult to get a large audience.”
