Eddy Zoëy is annoyed with friend Duncan Laurence: ‘Isn’t Messi!’

It seems as if no one in AvroTros’ Eurovision team can behave normally towards the media. Jordan Garfield, Duncan Laurence’s friend, is also guilty of it.


Duncan Laurence and Jordan Garfield have come up with the idea that Mia & Dion would be the Dutch entry for the Eurovision Song Contest. During the entire process, the whole bunch has behaved like huge stars. It all started after the press presentation in November, when they passed RTL Boulevard in silence, wearing huge sunglasses.

Arrogant Jordan

Too bad, because according to Mia Duncan and Jordan are men with a vision who have something to say. How did he choose them? “That came about as naturally as when they wake up in the morning and ask each other: ‘What do you want for breakfast? What if we start eating a bagel with avocado now?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘And what if we add an egg!’”

Sounds like an interesting recipe. Unfortunately, the result was completely vomited by viewers in Europe. Enough reason to ask the couple some questions, of course, but when Jordan returned to the Netherlands on Wednesday evening – without Duncan – he again walked along RTL Boulevard in silence. With his chin up, he drowned in his arrogant aura.


RTL Boulevard star Luuk Ikink in the broadcast from yesterday evening: “We spotted Jordan Garfield, one of the accompanists of Mia & Dion and also the friend of Duncan Laurence. We were curious how he experienced it the past few days. We wanted to ask him something and then suddenly he turned out to be better protected than the pope.”

The reporter to Jordan: “How do you think yesterday went?”

Jordan: “We are very proud.”

The reporter: “What did you do last night?”

Jordan: “Sorry.”

The reporter: “Why are you back so early?”

Eric Dekker, AvroTros press man, provoked: “Shall we agree that I will tell something?”

Someone else very dramatically to Jordan: “Come on, come on.”

“He’s not Messi!”

BLVD host Eddy Zoëy thinks it’s sad. “Like it’s Messi, dude. Incredible. What an exaggerated condition.”

Luke: “Yes, what is this?! Very strange. Very strange. Who didn’t run past us is Eric Dekker. That is the head of communication at AvroTros. He had a rather special insight into Mia & Dion’s failed Eurovision adventure.”

“Media Guilty!”

What that Eric Dekker had to say? Ah, he blamed everything on the media. “The enormous media attention has made it extremely difficult for two young artists to feel secure.”

He continues: “It remains difficult to first overload them with negative attention only to find out that it makes them insecure. I think we need to look in the mirror and so do some other people.”

Rob Goossens considers this a reaction of a ‘you are stupid!’ level and Eddy: “No, it just wasn’t good enough. Finished!”


The silent Jordan:
