Eddie Hall Hafþór Björnsson will play in this box this week

Eddie Hall says he’s ready for the boxing ring.

Eddie Hall believes he will win Hafþór Björnsson in the ring. Picture from 2018. AOP

Eddie Hall and Hafþór Björnsson will compete in the boxing ring this week in Dubai.

Both have lost a lot of weight for the boxing match. Björnsson, 33, among others, has lost as much as 55 pounds in two years.

He weighed 205 pounds in the spring of 2020. At that time, he hauled the ME and lifted 501 pounds of iron from the ground. Hall is still not convinced.

– For some strange reason, Thor looks like a skinny dog ​​in the heat. I just think it’s stupid. He just looks sick. I’m not the only one who says so, I see comments everywhere where people ask if he’s sick, Hall comments in a long interview Muscle and Helalth to the site.

– I don’t think he’ll take six full batches. That’s why he’s lost weight so much because his endurance level is terribly poor.

Hall, 34, said the biggest difference for the duo is that Björnsson has never been in a real fight. Indeed, Hall threatens to have such experience and believes it will help in the boxing ring as well.

– I know the fact that I’m in better shape than Thor. I know the fact that I can handle more batches and hit harder.

– He tells people he’s confident, but when I look him in the eye, I see a scared little boy. And that’s what he is. She has grown attached to her mother’s chest. He has been taken care of all his life and has been surrounded by “yes” men.

“I hate him”

In 2017, Hall won the title of the strongest man in the world. However, the black shadow that has followed Hall all these years has remained in his mind.

That is why he is resentful of Björnsson.

– Even if he denies it, Thor hates me and I’m with you. I hate him myself. I won the title of the strongest man in the world and the titles suggested that the title was taken from Thor.

– I’ve had to live with it for five years and people still say it was agreed because of what Thor said.

Hall then went even further in the interview.

– I’ve wanted an excuse to hit that man in the face for a long time. This is not decided by a judge. This will be either a knockout or the match will be suspended. Thor is either on his back or the judge will save his life.

Hall would like a rematch after the upcoming match. However, he claimed to know that Thor did not want that.

Hall threatened that Thor would know how he was going in the upcoming match and that he didn’t want it to happen again later.

– Thor is an asshole.

The duo will play on March 19th. The match was supposed to be held as early as last fall, but was postponed due to Hall’s injury.

Use the immersion below to see what condition Björnsson is currently playing in the Game of Thrones series. If the embedding is not visible, you can view it from here.
