Ed Sheeran helped pay for medical costs for The Wanted singer Tom Parker | celebrities

The The Wanted singer died at the age of 33, after a glioblastoma was found in his head in October 2020, the most aggressive and most common type of brain tumor. It could not be surgically removed. Parker’s closest friends, including Sheeran, took care of him. In Parker’s memoir, entitled “Hope: My Inspirational Life,” he calls the British singer “a special man” and that his kind gesture “meant the world” to him and his wife, Kelsey Parker.

“I’ve never said this publicly before (and he’ll probably be upset that I’m doing it now), but Ed is a very special man – he even helped with my medical bills when I was looking for other treatment options and private immunotherapy ,” the late Parker said in his book.

The Wanted was according toThe Guardian’ are one of the most successful boy bands of its generation and have had several hits since their formation in 2009, includingGlad you came’Chasing the sun’ and ‘Walks like Rihanna’.
