Ed Sheeran gives Sam Smith a giant penis

OREach of us has his must-haves, in terms of gifts. There are those who pack books and serve them at every occasion: from Christmas to birthdays. There are those who focus on kitchen utensils. And there are those who give away giant penises. How Ed Sheeran. Who never misses an opportunity to deliver them to his friends, creating truly embarrassing situations. As he told in an interview the last recipient of this particular cadeau: Sam Smith.

Sam Smith on Ed Sheeran’s gift: “It will weigh two tons”

The singer of Stay With Me he told al Kelly Clarkson Show to have received a giant marble penis from colleague Ed Sheeran. A decidedly bulky object, given its size. “This is crazy. I thought it was a joke. It will weigh two tons. It will take a crane to move it around the house“.

During the interview, Smith also made up his mind – together with Kelly – to give a name to the object almost one meter and ninety high. The two opted for “Duke of Hastings”: homage to Bridgerton and a tribute that made his fans and those of the series smile. Sam also stated that she would very much like to turn Ed Sheeran’s gift into a fountain. Although he was immediately corrected: “It’s hard to do it …“.

The same gift also to Elton John: “It’s done very well”

Ed Sheeran didn’t just give a giant penis to Sam Smith. Some time ago, in fact, the news of his particular tribute to Elton John had made the rounds of the web. Also al Baronet of PopEd Sheeran he had decided to give away a very large statue of a penis.

Elton John had declared it on the Australian radio show, Carrie & Tommy Show. “For my birthday this year, Ed gave me a giant marble penis. I don’t know why he chose this as a gift. It is certainly great. And it’s done very well … Basically I understand: what could you give to a man who already has it all?He joked.

All explaining her and her husband David Furnish’s wishes do not show the gift to children Zachary and Elijah. She had in fact insured. “It is hidden in an area of ​​the house where they cannot see it“. The question now is only one: who will be the next recipient of one of Ed Sheeran’s maxi-penises? We’ll see.

