Ed Fury, the famous muscle bundle from the movies, has died – Picture: This is what the male ideal looked like in the 50s

Ed Fury is gone.

This is how Ed Fury puffed up in front of model Jackie Coey in 1953. PDO

American bodybuilder, actor and model Ed Fury has died at the age of 94 at his home in California.

Fury’s wife Shelly confirmed For the Hollywood Reporter, that the man passed away already on 24.2., but the family only informed about it this week. The cause of death has not been made public.

Fury got excited about powerlifting already when he was in high school when he was wrestling. Along with that, he started lifting weights and shaping his body. In 1951, the man was crowned Mr. Muscle Beach in California.

Due to his exceptional physique, Fury also got work as an actor and model. In 1988, he shared his thoughts on bodybuilding.

– This (body) is what you have. You better take care of it or it won’t take care of you. You’ve been dead for a long time, so you should have fun and enjoy yourself, because that’s what we’re here for.

Fury believed that when the body is in good shape, it is also good for the mind.

Shelly met her future husband in 1955. The couple soon got married. According to Shelly, Fury wrote a lot of scripts and songs, although the man is best remembered for the movies.

The man appeared in films, among other things Abbott and Costello Go To Mars, Gentlemen Prefer Blonds, Colossus and the Amazon Queen.

Fury also had a handsome career on the TV side. He was seen in the series Gilligan’s Island, Columbo, Fantasy Island, Medical Center and Shazam!

Moniljakkuus retired from exhibition work at the end of the 1970s.

Source: Generation Iron
