Economic program PP | Feijóo promises to lower the IRPF to those who collect less than 40,000 euros

Lower the personal income tax to income of less than 40,000 euros per year. This is the recipe of the leader of the PP and candidate to preside over the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to help families that have been “impoverished” by inflation and “tax increases.” She has promised so in an act in Barcelona to present the economic project of the popularbefore businessmen, managers and leaders of the party, where he has also assured that he will approve it, if it reaches Moncloa, in the first 100 days of the mandate.

Feijóo, who has assured that he has not chosen Barcelona at random to present his main economic measures, has assured that his main objective is for Spain “to be one of the three economies that grows the most” and to exceed “22 million members of social security” at the end of the next legislature. And, in this sense, he has promised more tax cuts, a simplification of the Council of Ministersmeasures against the increase in mortgages and “youth unemployment”, “incentives” for tourism, as well as a plan “to attract global talent”.

All this, accompanied by a simplification of regulations and a “rationalization and harmonization” of the autonomous laws, although he has assured that this will not break the distribution of powers. “For every law we pass we have to repeal three. We cannot continue making regulations,” he stated in this regard.

More years of nuclear power plants

Furthermore, he has promised extend the life of nuclear power plants“reversing its dismantling”. According to the popular leader, the alternatives are not yet sufficiently advanced, so not stopping the closure of the plants would cause a “rise in prices” and Spain would cease to be “competitive” for companies. However, the popular has also ensured that the peninsula is “well positioned” to become a “world power in clean energy” and has ensured that this can help “solve the shortage of water in our country.”

Precisely, on the water, Feijóo has promised the creation of a “national regulatory body“, who can plan this property and design a “common rate methodology”.

Expansion of El Prat airport

In addition, he has promised – in front of Foment del Treball, PIMEC, the Cercle d’Economia and the Círculo Ecuestre – to put the expansion of El Prat airport if you manage to get to Moncloa after 23-J elections. According to Feijóo, this is a “key infrastructure for regional development”, which is why he has promised to “turn El Prat into one of the largest airports in the world“, and has assured that not doing so would be “bad” for the “development” not of Catalonia, but of Spain as a whole.

Related news

Some statements made in the framework of the presentation of the economic program of the popular ones in Barcelona, ​​held at Casa Seat, which contrast with the opinion of the provincial president of the party and mayor of Castelldefels, Manu Reyes, which in an interview published by EL PERIÓDICO this Monday has been opposed to this expansion of the Barcelona Airport. Reyes, who has followed Feijóo’s conference from the front row, rejects the growth of the Barcelona airfield if this means that more planes pass over his city.

Feijóo has presented these economic proposals in the Barcelona Seat Housewithin the framework of a round table on the economy moderated by the leader of the PP in the city council of Barcelona, Daniel Sireraand where they have participated Joaquin Gay de Montellabusinessman and president of Fomento del Trabajo Nacional between 2011 and 2018, Antonio Gonzalez Torner, a worker at Telefónica, where he has held various positions of responsibility, Rosario Cellier, a freelancer in the tourism sector, and Mayte Corbinos, freelancer and founder of LOVE81.
