Economic measures: what the ruling party, opposition, unions and businessmen said

“The union centers are convened to express the foundations of our support for the project and we hope that it will have the opinion so that it can go to treatment and we will be able to approve the law in a few more days,” he said. Hugo Yaskydeputy of the Frente de Todos, about what will happen today in the Budget Committee with the bill that raises the earnings level to 15 minimum salaries, about 1.77 million pesos.

“We had an important meeting at the Ministry of Economy with representatives of the union centers and several deputies who are the ones working on the project, which is based on what I present. Sergio Palazzo with Sergio Massa. The idea is to move forward so that it becomes law and we can set up an income tax and make workers stop paying taxes,” added Yasky, the Secretary General of the Argentine Workers’ Union (CTA) in El Disparador ( Delta 90.3).

“We are going to try to get the votes to approve it, the idea is that it is not a testimonial act. You have to build a series of joints with smaller blocks. It is a question what the opposition is going to do, because a few days ago they were anxious for the project to arrive. I saw him Ricardo Lopez MurphyCristian Ritondo and Patricia Bullrich, say ‘send it because we already voted for it’, so let’s see if they keep their word and vote for it,” concluded the union member.

“Sergio (Massa)’s will is that if it is not discussed in parliament, it comes out by decree. Yes or yes, this measure comes out to benefit workers and retirees in more than 800 thousand cases, who will have this benefit in a society so hurt that it needed good news for its pocket,” added the official deputy. Ramiro Gutierrez also in The Trigger.

And he explained that the hole that the measures announced by the Minister of Economy and presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria will be compensated for with an increase in the country tax. “In the ministry’s collection calculations, it will be enough for us for 3 months, this is the recomposition. Let’s not forget that the forecasts for next year are all good for Argentina,” said Gutiérrez about the patch he is looking for that compensates for the post-STEP devaluation jump that was quickly transferred to prices.

“It seems to me that in terms of how salary should be conceptualized in relation to profit, it is correct, salary is not profit. Setting the course from there seems good to me. Maybe next year will not be as complex as this one, especially the second half of the year when it will also accompany the liquidation of foreign currency, of products that were affected by the drought,” he agreed. Jose Urtubey with the ruling party.

Jose Urtubey

But the doubt that emerges is whether the measures will be validated by both Parliament and Justice: the modifications to the VAT were already proposed during the last year of the government of Mauricio Macri and at that time the provinces challenged it as they were harmed. A change in income for the State directly affects the co-participation received by provincial leaders.

“We have to finish studying the project, which entered the Chamber of Deputies a little while ago. In principle, the idea does not seem appropriate to us, nor that it is what we are needing, but we will see the details, maybe there is something from the initiative that can be rescued,” he explained. Pablo Tonellilawyer and national representative of Together for Change, about the project to modify the Income Tax.

“The project does not explain how the profit money is compensated, that is one of the problems. What we point out is that this initiative benefits a few people, tens of thousands, but harms 47 million. Because what is not collected with Profits will be covered with issuance, and that generates inflation. It is not a project that brings relief to the population as a whole, it is clearly electoralist,” highlighted the deputy, setting the gaze of the opposition bloc.

Pablo Tonelli

“I always say that the profit tax is the best tax, the fairest, most progressive, most countries in the world have it, but in Argentina it is distorted by inflation and these electoral tweaks by the government,” said Tonelli.

On the left side, the union leader and candidate for governor of Buenos Aires, Ruben “Pollo” Sobrero, maintained regarding the Profit project that the “measure is for the sector of those who earn the most.” And he criticized Massa: “being minister of economy, he sends the bill to congress because he already knows that the PRO is going to say no, and the people of Milei said that they should discuss it later, so they secure the photo with the Peronists and nothing more. That’s the move,” said Sobrero in El Disparador.

“They are wrong in their logic because they want to capture Milei’s vote, and the one who votes for Milei is the changarín, is the one who has nothing to lose because he has already lost everything, is the one who is angry with politics and you are not going to change that. “So they are last-minute smack-talks when they see the Titanic sinking,” he concluded.

Myriam Bregman and Sobrero

“The measure is aimed at a sector of Argentine salaried workers, for the private sector, those who have a salary receipt every month. They are a million. What is that million that stops paying profits? The directors, the CEOs, the managers, those who are outside the agreement and who earn between a stick and a stick and a half. It is a wealthy sector. Those people had been paying 350 thousand pesos in profits. Now that person will buy dollars,” the economist said. Juan Pablo Chiesa.

“What Massa announces is a wealthy sector. No one benefits from this. And the question is where are you going to cover that hole that the modification of Profits will leave, which is the second highest tax in the country. “Massa is not saying how he is going to cover it up,” Chiesa concluded, pointing out that it will most likely be financed with greater issuance.

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