Eclipses and shooting stars: the surprises of the sky in 2023

ggreat satisfactions for those who go hunting for stars and meteor showers in 2023. The year will be generous with shooting stars and eclipses. Alsothe sky of the new year, in fact, is preparing to be the stage for extraordinary events that will enchant and excite.

Night of San Lorenzo: how to see shooting stars

Shooting stars and eclipses: what year is 2023

But what are the dates to mark and how best to see these phenomena? Everything will start right with the beginning of the new yearwhen the Quadrantids, an important meteor shower, as well as one of the most powerful, will light up the winter nights.

Their maximum visibility is expected for the nights of 3 and 4 Januarybut their observation could be hindered due to the presence of the Moon which will be full on January 7th.

Huge surprises for star hunters in 2023. (Getty Images)

The Comet arrives on January 12

It starts immediately on January 12th when you can admire the Comet C/2022 E3 ZTFdiscovered on March 2, 2022 from the Zwicky Transient Facility in California.

The best visibility, however, it should occur between the end of January and the beginning of February, when it will be at the minimum distance from the Earth. The event will certainly be visible with binoculars and telescopes, but if the weather permits it can also be seen with the naked eye.

4 eclipses in the new year

The arrival of spring brings with it one of the most awaited appointments in the sky of this 2023: the hybrid solar eclipse. The phenomenon is rare and extraordinary and occurs only when the Sun, Moon and Earth are perfectly aligned. The appointment it will be April 20 for the solar eclipsewhich unfortunately will only be visible from Indonesia and Australia.

The next date will be May 5 with the penumbral lunar eclipse. But even this will only be seen from Asia, Australia and the eastern regions of Europe and Africa.

The Super Moon

The summer will give to enthusiasts even a supermoon. She will be the one to give away the last and great show of summer 2023. On August 31, in fact, the natural satellite will light up the sky appearing whiter, bigger and closer than ever before. The blue SuperMoon will be beautiful.

Shooting stars: summer of wishes

In July there will be the first appointment with shooting stars. And this the period in which the Aquarids of the southern delta will light up the sky, with their maximum peak expected between the nights of 28 and 29. Then the Perseids will comethe most famous shooting stars of the year that we all know as tears of San Lorenzo.

The best nights to express wishes for this 2023 will be those of August 12 and 13.

And autumn comes

Even the autumn sky will give some surprises: it starts on October 7th, with the Draconids. Then, on October 28, another unmissable event: there will be a partial lunar eclipse.

So in November the shooting stars will return on the nights of 4 and 5 November, this time it will be the Taurids. Between 17 and 18 November, however, the Leonids will arrive to greet the season. 2023 will end below hundreds of shooting stars: the Geminides, on December 13 and 14, and the Ursids, just before Christmas.

