Echt-Susteren is heading for the same coalition | 1Limburg

Echt-Susteren is heading for the same coalition as in the past four years. That then consists of the Party New Echt-Susteren (PNES), CDA, Democrats Echt-Susteren (DES) and GroenLinks. Together they can count on 16 of the 23 seats in the city council.

Formateur Jeroen Meulenberg concluded this after discussions with all six parties in the city council.

Meulenberg was the leader of PNES. That party became the largest in the elections and is therefore taking the lead in coalition negotiations. Meulenberg’s conclusion means that List Cooperation will once again end up in the opposition, just like the previous term of office. This has to do with the fact that DES explicitly excludes the party from participating in the new coalition. And because the other college parties have a strong preference for continuing together, this means that List Cooperation has once again been sentenced to the opposition benches.

Also read: List Collaboration no longer the largest in Echt-Susteren

To trust
Formateur Meulenberg states in his report that the current coalition partners have praised the excellent mutual relationships and the atmosphere within the current coalition and council. “They indicate that trust in each other, the willingness to grant each other something and the collegial and friendly cooperation have resulted in the municipality of Echt-Susteren being a beacon of peace and stability in the political and administrative field in recent years,” the report said. the trainer.

“They have also made it clear that they want to continue together with the ambitious agenda that was started four years ago,” said Meulenberg. “A period of four years was too short for that. They would like to finish the job together.” Meulenberg does keep the option open to add newcomer D66 to the new coalition. But that party has indicated that it has a preference for a coalition of PNES, List Collaboration, GroenLinks and D66. D66 also wants to supply an alderman.

five aldermen
Formateur Meulenberg is now going to draw up a coalition agreement. He wants to have the new college finalized in the short term – ie within a few weeks. He assumes a maximum of five aldermen. An obvious choice is a division of PNES and CDA each with two directors and DES one. It’s the same as now, but probably with a different portfolio allocation. GroenLinks then supports the new coalition without supplying an alderman.

In the elections, PNES became the largest party with seven seats, a gain of two. The CDA lost one seat to five. DES and GroenLinks remained the same at three and one seat respectively. List Cooperation dropped from seven to six seats and D66 came on the council for the first time with one seat. The PvdA, which was also part of the previous coalition, disappeared from the city council.
