Ece Erken, who is standing with drugs, shared her doctor’s advice

There were allegations that Ece Erken, who had a difficult time after the murder of Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, took too much medicine and asked the teacher during the prayer which prayer she should recite in order to see her husband in her dreams. Ece Erken went to the doctor to get over the hard days and shared her doctor’s advice.

It was demolished after the death of Ece Erken Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu. Not only that, she watched the moments when her husband was shot and dragged on the ground before she was killed, and her world fell apart. It was said that Ece Erken, who had a difficult time, was not herself and drank too much medicine.

Seren Serengil had frightened her by saying, “She drinks so much medicine that she doesn’t want to wake up. She even warned the doctor, ‘His heart stops in his sleep! He will never use it’.” Ece Erken, trying to forget her pain by praying and spending time with her child, went to the doctor.

Ece Erken, who shared on social media, shared her doctor’s advice. She said her early doctor recommended walking 30-40 minutes every day.
