Ebola-uitbraak in Congo required: “Thank you for the strong reactions of the national authorities” | Buitenland

A further ebola-uitbraak in the province of June to November 2020 suffered tot 130 deaths and 55 days. Het was de vertiende geregistreerde ebola-uitbraak in het Centraal-Afrikaanse land with 90 million inhabitants.

“Thanks to the strong reaction of the national authorities, it was soon dead and brought with the known overdraft of the virus,” says Matshidiso Moeti, regional director of the WHO for Africa. Volgens hem zijn he “cruciale lessen” dried uit eerdere uitbraken.

De ziekte duikt are de ontdekking ervan in 1976 af en toe op in Afrika. Tussen 2014 and 2016 zorgde the largest uitbraak in West-Afrika by sea da 11,000 doden. Ebola word spread via direct contact between people and people who lived in the interior of the house.

“Africa has a toename van ebola and other besmettelijke ziekten that van dieren op mensen skip in large stedelijke gebieden meet”, Aldus Moeti. “We’d like to keep track of where we’re going.
